July Meeting Report

This month’s community meeting was so encouraging! We had a ton of good news, positive updates, and plans to move forward. Best of all, it was our most well attended meeting yet — we are so grateful for our community support!

We have a venue!

We will be holding our monthly clinics at the Ruff House in Twain Harte. The owner is very excited to partner with us, and we’ll be cleaning up and painting the space for her before we get started. If you would like to help us clean up or paint, please contact us at tspayneuter@gmail.com.

With this exciting news, we are well on our way to holding our first clinic this fall!

Trivia Night

We will be holding a trivia night fundraiser!

Where: Willow Springs Clubhouse
When: September 14, 2023 at 5:00pm
Price: $25 per ticket
What’s included: Participation in trivia competition, dinner of pulled pork or jackfruit sandwich with sides, water and soft drinks.
Extras: Silent auction with some incredible items, beer and wine purchases for $5 apiece.

This will be an exclusive event with just 100 tickets sold. Tickets can be purchased here.

We also need volunteers to set up, work the event, and clean up afterward. If you would like to help out, please email tspayneuter@gmail.com.

Planning for Clinics

Now that most of our ducks are in a row to start running clinics, we need to build a roster of volunteers to work them. Each clinic will have 6 stations: check-in, weighing, prep, surgery, recovery, and check-out. Each station will be run by a team of volunteers who are organized by a team lead.

If you are interested in being on any of these teams or even training to be a team lead, we’d love to work with you! Please email tspayneuter@gmail.com.


July Newsletter


July Meeting Announcement