Rummage Sale Success!

Our Monster Rummage Sale is in the books! We had some amazing donated items to sell and a tireless crew of volunteers to transport, price, arrange, and sell those items.

On Saturday we had to dodge the rain for a bit. Tarps-on and tarps-off was the name of the game, but it definitely didn’t keep the crowds away.

On Sunday the sun came out and we had another big day! So many people came out and supported us. Everyone took the time to thank us and tell their own story about why low-cost spay and neuter services are so desperately needed in our county.

Unfortunately we did have one big disappointment. Someone paid with a fake $100 bill, and we didn’t catch it until that person was long gone. We’re disheartened that someone would abuse a nonprofit fundraiser in this way, but we’ve had an outpouring of support and even some kind folks who donated extra to make up for that loss. We really have a wonderful community!

In the end, we made a little over $2,300, which is a huge boost to our progress! We can’t thank all of our volunteers and shoppers enough for supporting us.

If you weren’t able to come out and score some great rummage sale finds, please consider making a donation to help us get up and running this year.


Meeting and Recycling Time!


Pushing ahead at full steam