Meeting and Recycling Time!

Time is flying by! It’s already mid-May and time for our monthly meeting. If you haven’t come before, we’d love to see you! We meet on the third Saturday of every month at 10am. The location does change as our group grows, so please check out the blog here or our social media for details about where we’ll be.

This month, we’ll be meeting at My Garden Cafe at 10am:

14270 Mono Way

We’re continuing to ramp up our recycling program, as well! We can get money any recyclable item with a CA CRV label from Sonora Recycling. Each container smaller than 24 ounces gets us 5 cents, and each container over 24 ounces gets us 10 cents!

Items we can use:

  • Glass beverage bottles (including beer and wine cooler bottles)

  • Plastic beverage bottles

  • Aluminum cans

Items we can’t use:

  • Wine bottles (full size)

  • Milk jugs

  • Juice boxes

  • Juice foil pouches

  • Medical food or infant formula cans

  • Any item that doesn’t come with that CRV label

Recycling drop-off

Take items with a CA CRV label to:

Sonora Recycling
18647 Eagle Ridge Drive
Sonora, CA 95370

Tell them that you want funds to go to Tuolumne Spay and Neuter, and it will be applied to our account automatically.

Open Tuesday - Saturday 8am to 4pm.
If you have questions once you’er there, ask for Jolene. She’s very kind and helpful!


May Meeting Summary


Rummage Sale Success!