Spay and Neuter Clinic in Mexico

Last week, we had the honor and pleasure to visit a Spay and Neuter clinic in Jocotepec Mexico run by Susan who started an amazing organization called Tails of Mexico. The clinic was held in a local school.

It ran like a well oiled machine.

Pet owners had previously made their appointments. Cats and dogs were checked in and all their information was logged.

Starting with the weighing station, then on to anesthesia, then the shaving station, finally into the operating room where there was a vet and vet tech. After the procedures they went to the recovery rooms where a team of volunteers observed the animals as they woke up from surgery. They were then placed in a carrier to go home once they were alert.

A traveling vet was also in attendance to oversee any emergencies.

All supplies, equipment and medications were donated.

85 pets were fixed today.

Around 50 volunteers were there to make sure all went very smoothly and it did.

If we took anything away from today’s clinic it was the simplicity of Spay and Neuter surgeries and yet it saves countless lives.


June Meeting Announcement


May Meeting Summary