May Meeting Summary

We had our monthly community meeting yesterday and had lots of progress to report to our awesome volunteers! It’s very exciting to see all the bits and pieces start coming together.

Progress Report

  • The Monster Rummage Sale brought in $2,500. Thank you so much for all the help and support!

  • We have one local vet who is on board for some clinics, and we are in talks with two more.

  • We received our first check from the Network for Good, where someone’s employer matched donations. Please consider supporting our organization in this way!

  • Our CRV recycling program is going well! In April, we made $151. Our wonderful community is collecting items and delivering them for us. Twain Harte Golf Club is very kindly collecting items for us, as well. We project that this could bring us more than $2,000 per year! Big thanks to Karen, who has offered to join our collection team. We’ll need more volunteers on this team soon.

Wish List

We’re starting to collect and purchase items we’ll need to run spay and neuter clinics. If you have access to any new or used equipment that can be donated or purchased, please let us know!

Here’s what we need to get started:

  • Autoclave

  • ISO Machine

  • Scale

  • Clippers

  • 30 surgical packs, each containing:

    • 3 towel clamps

    • 4 hemostats

    • 1 set Carmalt forceps

    • 1 scalpel holder

    • 1 needle driver

    • 1 set tissues scissors


Spay and Neuter Clinic in Mexico


Meeting and Recycling Time!